Canon 7d Video Fun: Mother's Day was a Blast!

This Mother's Day was so much fun!  There was tons of great healthy food, delicious wine, and funny conversations with all the people I love!!  I feel so lucky to live in San Diego close to my mom and sister. This is the first time in my life, since I was in high school that I have lived with in a short driving distance to both of them. My boyfriend and I moved here about a year ago to be closer, and one of the big benefits is that we get to spend holidays with our families together!

Since we had a big day planned with tons of food to cook up and stories to share, I thought about how I could "blog" without it taking away from the day, but by actually creating something memorable for use to reflect on later! So I decided to make a video for me, for them, and for my readers!  I used iMovie to edit it!

As you you may or may not, know I have committed myself to 200 days of blogging in a row and I want to keep that promise to myself!  I am doing this challenge because I want to challenge myself to create content and be creative even when I may not be feeling particularly creative. I truly love my new camera the Canon 7d and it's great to push myself with technologies that I'm not that familiar with.

It is truly increasing my happiness factor!  I truly love having an excuse to do this stuff, that I used to put off to do work instead.  It's also interesting how good it feels to get these fun things in my head and out into the world!

This Mother's day was particularly memorable because my boyfriend had his mother in town, and his brother and girlfriend just got engaged, so there was a lot to celebrate!  Here is our fun day, in a nutshell!  Enjoy!

Buy my mom's paintings seen in the video at

What creative activity are you going to do today -- just for you, to celebrate your awesome life!?  Leave a comment in the box below!