The Secrets to a $64K Launch in Europe & the Cure to Post Launch Blues

So we're diving into 2016, and you may have noticed I've been a little quiet for the past couple of months. 

Generally, when this happens it means that I'm up to something!

I've been setting everything up for the new year, facilitating courses, recovering from the biggest launch my business has ever had, along with fighting the post-holiday / post launch blues.  

In today's blog, I'm going to share some launching secrets that I learned from this big launch, along with discovering some ways to combat these blues (if you're suffering from them.)  The epiphanies I had from this were quite surprising... read on!

The Canadian & European Adventure 

Me traveling Europe by train, planes, and automobiles!

I had spent mid November to mid December traveling Canada and Europe WHILE launching...  Crazy right?  Who launches while traveling?  I knew it was crazy and risky, but I had no attachment to the outcome!


First I went to Whistler Canada because one of my students lent me her (super ritzy probably million dollar) cabin! Thanks Cindy! And started with producing launch materials while spending my evenings going on dates with Canadians and British men, and seeing the beauty of Canada.

Then spent two weeks in Amsterdam visiting a Portland friend who works for Nike. While I was in Amsterdam I met with some b-schooler friends, Lucky Bitch Bootcamp friends, and some of my students.

Then I flew to Scotland and visited my rock star student Elisabeth Elektra (Zyna Hel) in Glasgow, and had an epic time!

Then I took a train from the North Uk down to South of England. I visited my other badass rock star entrepreneurial friend Star Khechara and her partner Les in the South of England for an amazing few days of fun.

Then finished my trip and launch in London.  

Did I mention this entire trip including airfare cost me less than $1,000?!  I got a ticket with Miles from the United Mileage Explorer credit card, and stayed with friends and students the entire time, with one fancy hotel room in London for two nights!

It was seriously the best vacation I've ever had, and can't believe I worked during it but barely noticed.  I think I was in THE SUPER FLOW!

The Cart opened, and orders started flooding in...

It all happened London, The Citizen M Hotel... I re-launched my signature program The Launch Your Brand Program and which brought in over $64,000 at the closing of cart, whilst, that very same evening I went on a date, possibly met a guy that might just be my next love!  (oh god, he's such a British babe...)  

Apparently, my vibrations were at an all time high.  The launch being such a huge success was a bit of a shock for me considering, it was the least stressful, most enjoyable and easiest launch I had ever done.  (Believe me they generally go nothing like this!)

I was shocked, and I said to myself  "UMMM EVERY SINGLE LAUNCH NEEDS TO BE LIKE THIS!"  No assistant, no facebook ads, no stress, no hiccups... it was amazing.

Launching Secrets that Worked for me

I attribute the success of my launch to the following things:

  1. Launched a course that truly is solving a problem, and that people want and need.   
  2. Proved to my Audience it works -- Collected a ton of video testimonials, before and afters, that proves the program works... over 25 of them!
  3. Following Derek Halpern's Yes Engines for my email sales launch. The entire launch only consisted of 7 emails, 2 blog posts,  1 Q &A Webinar
  4. Had amazing technology that did not break the entire launch... Convertkit for Email marketing, and Teachable for course & membership platform, that integrates with Convertkit* along with it integrating into Stripe / Paypal Perfectly
  5. Did bonus exchanges with 2 entrepreneurs that shared my target market but aren't in competition.
  6. Did one Q & A webinar with a sister entrepreneur who I did a bonus exchange with which then allowed us to give a high quality and fun, and no pressure in webinar about the program and the bonuses.  We did this by making the entire webinar branding audits, so that the attendees could see how we work, and lo and behold with only 40 people live the sales...well the sales just rolled in.

After this amazing launch, I came home for a week, then took a road trip from Portland to San Fran to San Diego for the holidays, in my new Prius!   

In San Diego, I got a new photoshoot done for the branding of 2016, and going into some new products and programs I'm developing! You can see one of the shots in the header of this blog!  I can't even wait to reveal all the things up my sleeve.

THEN, I joined James Wedmore's Mastermind, I invested $25,000 in the growth and future of my business. It was scary, exhilarating and I know will be the best decision I've made in 2016.

You could say it was one of the best months of my life.  

Then something weird happened.....

I totally crashed.... emotionally, physically and anxiety was taking over everything!

Here I was feeling so happy with my trip, I beat my biggest launch by two times, met this amazing guy, joined a millionaire mastermind, am so happy with everything but just started feeling terrible.  

My spirits were actually good, but physically I was feeling drained and unmotivated and THAT was making me upset.

Then I figured out the problem, I had spent the latter half of December, eating nothing but cookies and drinking copious amounts of coffee and watching NOTHING but Netflix.  And I could NOT stop sleeping. (jet lag)

I had meetings booked and I would show up disheveled and dying to crawl back into bed.  I was feeling terribly anxious all of the time, and I could NOT kick it.  I couldn't get any work done except for facilitate my course, aside from that I was just sort of a walking zombie.  

One evening I had a full-on break down after about a month of this nonsense. I made myself a bubble bath, and just started crying and asked the universe... "Why is this happening to me?  Why do I feel so terrible and exhausted all the time?"  And very clearly a message came back that said "YOU ARE DRINKING TOO MUCH COFFEE."

WOW. Thanks Universe, never have I ever gotten such a clear answer in my life.

The Elixir for the Post Holiday / Post Launch Blues

So I quit coffee the next day, and it was the best decision ever.

Apparently I had been suffering from adrenal fatigue which can do all sorts of weird things to your system.  It can mess with cortisol levels, create tons of anxiety, depression, mess with your sleep, create dehydrated skin and eyes. I was suffering from ALL of these things.

I can tell you it was not easy to quit... but since then...

This was the best decision for productivity EVER!

Here's what I drink now instead of coffee every day:

1 handful of Spinach +  1 Handful of Baby Kale + 1 banana + 3 slices of ginger + 8 oz of Apple 

I'll be damned, if it's not the prettiest, and most delicious and most energizing drink.  No mess or prep, it's stupid easy... no cutting or anything. Just throw that in a blender and VOILA!  

I'm never going back to coffee again, as I just feel so much better without it, mentally, physically, and spiritually..  The next program I'm working on, is well under development... More about that soon...  Life is back on track.

The important thing I learned here is things need to FEEL GOOD and FLOW... and that means doing more things that make me feel good and help me flow better.  Coffee didn't make the cut. Maybe there are things in your life that aren't making you feel good or flow into your best feeling state.  What are those things and how can you get rid of those things?

I definitely believe 2016 is going to be the best year yet!  How about you?  

What are you doing to make 2016 the best year?  

Have you ever suffered the post holiday/post launch blues?  How did you get through it?

Tell me in the comments below!

*Anything that's astrix'd here is an affiliate link